
  • National MagLab Open House 2021

    FUN FOR ALL AGES! LIVE VIRTUAL EVENTS, ONLINE DEMOS, TOURS AND GAMES! DON’T MISS IT!Join the science fun of special MagLab video demonstrations, all access video tours, online games and…

  • Research Computing at UF: HiPerGator Symposium

    To bring recognition to the advanced computing resources that benefit our scientific research, we are sharing this event: UF Information Technology (UFIT) is hosting the Spring 2021 HiPerGator Symposium which…

  • American Physical Society Webinar Series: Success in Industry Careers

    This webinar series may be of interest to our undergrads, graduate students, postdocs, and professionals to find tips related to the development of a career in physics. You can register…

  • MagLab NMR Seminar – Nov. 10, 2020

    Dear Colleagues, Please join us for a seminar by Dr. Nghia Duong of RIKEN, via Zoom. Details are provided below, and you may click on the “Join Zoom Seminar” link…

  • MagLab Mentor Nominations (due Nov. 1)

    Dear MagLab faculty, staff, and students, First, I hope you are all safe and healthy. Second, I think we have all realized the value of mentors during uncertain times. To…

  • “Quantum Spin Coherence” Workshop: Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 14-15 , 2020

    This Workshop is assembled to provide a broad, diverse overview of some efforts to control and evaluate quantum spin coherence and to envision future work that may be performed at…

  • MagLab NMR Seminar

    Dear Colleagues, Please join us for a seminar by Dr. Evan Zhao of the Grey Group at Cambridge, via Zoom. Details are provided below, and you may click on the…

  • MagLab NMR Seminar Series

    Dear Colleagues, Below you will find the link to the recorded NMR seminars we are hosting via zoom, in case you miss the live sessions. The first seminar featured the…

  • Weekly ZOOMinar Series: Solid State NMR and DNP

    Updated May 7, 2020: There is now a website dedicated to the Weekly Zoominar Original Post May 3, 2020: Shared on behalf of Prof. Robert G. Griffin, Arthur Amos…

  • Magnetic Resonance Conversations

    The International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) sponsors on-line meetings devoted to new developments at the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) and the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB) that…