Weekly ZOOMinar Series: Solid State NMR and DNP

Updated May 7, 2020: There is now a website dedicated to the Weekly Zoominar https://griffingroup.mit.edu/weekly-ssnmrdnp-zoominar

Original Post May 3, 2020: Shared on behalf of Prof. Robert G. Griffin, Arthur Amos Noyes Professor of Chemistry, Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory, Mass. Institute of Technology. [Edited to remove past date references and modify verb tense.]

Dear Colleagues,

Since the beginning of March, the COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly changed the way we work and live. These changes include working from home and not being able to share our latest research findings at conferences. In particular, essentially all of the conferences we normally attend (EUROMAR / Rocky Mountain / HYP20 / Gordon Conference, etc.) have been cancelled or postponed. Hence, we have initiated a weekly ZOOMinar series for solid state NMR research groups with the goal of disseminating research results via an online ZOOM platform. We have decided, at least in the beginning, to focus on methods development in ssNMR & DNP in the first ZOOMinar series. With time we imagine that the subject matter will broaden.

The idea for the ZOOMinar is the brainchild of Kong O. Tan who has organized an initial list of speakers. The list presently includes: Alexander Barnes, Matthias Ernst, Rob Tycko, Songi Han, Michal Leskes, Frederic Mentink-Vigier, and Tatyana Polenova.

In the future we hope that some of you will volunteer to do presentations on exciting results from your laboratory. Please do not be shy about telling us that you would like to participate.

Please help us by forwarding this email to your fellow group members and to anyone that you think may be interested in the ZOOMinar. Also please subscribe to our mailing list that will send out announcements on our weekly ZOOMinar meetings.

This is an experiment and we are not sure how it will evolve in the future. We are open to suggestions to improve the series and are happy to adopt changes after the first two or three meetings. For example, we might have 2 or 3 talks each of 30 mins duration, a balance between PI and student/postdoc’s per meeting, or a balance of methods / applications talks. Please let us know what you think.

We hope that you are well during these challenging times and look forward to seeing you via ZOOM on Wednesdays.

Bob and Kong