October 2019 Workshop: DNP-enhanced MAS ssNMR

The NIH funded P41 National Resource for Advanced NMR Technology is sponsoring an in-depth workshop on DNP-enhanced MAS ssNMR at the National High Magnetic Field Lab (NHMFL) facility on October 22-24, 2019, in Tallahassee, FL. This workshop is limited to five attendees, who should note the regional SEMRC conference will be held in nearby Gainesville, FL, directly after the workshop. Detailed schedules will be provided on each event page.

The DNP workshop will focus on practical aspects of MAS-DNP NMR, including technical details of instrumentation, maintenance, theory and best practices for ssNMR spectroscopy, and sample preparation strategies for optimal DNP. Significant time will be spent in lab working with the 600 MHz MAS-DNP instrument, a benchtop X-band EPR instrument, preparing samples, and collecting DNP data.  The content is designed for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and staff scientists who are pursuing MAS-DNP measurements in their studies, and participants are encouraged to bring a trial sample for characterization on the instruments.

Registration is limited to 5 participants, who will be responsible for travel and lodging. Lunch will be provided. For application details, please contact Amy Howe, amy.howe@ufl.edu.