Online Meeting of British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group (BRSG) on Sept. 13

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Physics British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group (BRSG) will be held on Friday 13th September between 11:00 – 15:10 BST.

This online meeting is free to attend, and will be focused on recent developments in magnetic resonance hardware and methodology.

Please register for the meeting here.

Confirmed speakers for the meeting include:

  • Dr Elodie Salager, Université d’Orléans
  • Gabriela Stadler, ETH Zurich
  • Dr Judith Schlagnitweit, ENS de Lyon
  • Dr Steve Parnell, Science and Technology Facilities Council
  • Zoe Hoare, Kings College London
  • Prof. Alexej Jerschow, New York University