Registration opening soon for the Alpine conference on Magnetic Resonance in Solids 2025
The Alpine Conference is a high-level international forum for the discussion of recent methodological developments and applications in the field of magnetic resonance in solids. The conference is organized biennially in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, and has come to be known simply as “Chamonix” in the MR community. The conference will take place in Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, on 14-18 September 2025. Registration and abstract submission will open soon.
The scientific committee is composed of Sharon Ashbrook (St. Andrews), Songi Han (Northwestern) and Patrick van der Wel (Groningen).
The program of the conference will consist of plenary lectures, contributed oral communications, and round table sessions. Round table sessions will provide opportunities for discussions in small groups following a short pitch talk on contributed work. In addition, there will be a session dedicated to practical talks on selected topics by some of our invited speakers, and a tutorial session on different aspects of magnetic resonance targeting newcomers to the field will take place on Sunday morning (14 September 2025).
The following speakers will give plenary lectures: Claudia Avalos (New York University), Anja Böckmann (MMSB Lyon), Daniella Goldfarb (Weizmann Institute of Science), Ilia Kaminker (Tel Aviv University), Lauren Marbella (Columbia University), Yusuke Nishiyama (Jeol), Jürgen Senker (University of Bayreuth), Daniel Topgaard (Lund University), Tuo Wang (Michigan State University).
More information, including dates, deadlines, and details on the available student grants can be found on the conference’s website: