13th symposium on ultrahigh field MR September 9th 2022 Berlin, Germany
13th Scientific Symposium on Clinical Needs, Research Promises and Technical Solutions in Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance will be held as a hybrid meeting on September 9th 2022 using a broad range of time slots to accommodate as many as possible time zones around the globe. Please save the date.
Thoralf Niendorf | Lucio Frydman | Jeanette Schulz-Menger | Michal Neeman | Christoph Lippert | Sebastian Schmitter | Sonia Waiczies | Min-Chi Ku |
MDC & Charité, Berlin | Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel | Charité, Berlin | Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel | HPI, Potsdam | PTB, Berlin | MDC, Berlin | MDC, Berlin |

Free Registration
To register for the UHF-MR symposium please visit:
Registration deadline: Wednesday, August 31st, 06:00 p.m. CEST
Scientific Program Now Available
The scientific program comprises 4 sessions, all balancing technical developments, clinical applications and hot topics related to the synergies between imaging and data science including artificial intelligence (AI). We are very much honored to present extraordinary speakers including MR technology leaders, data science and AI specialists and distinguished clinical experts – all bridging disciplinary boundaries and stimulating the imaging and data science communities to throw further weight behind the solution of unsolved problems and unmet clinical needs.
Goals and Objectives
The symposium is a from the community to the community initiative. The symposium is designed to provide an overview of state-of-the-art (pre)clinical UHF-MR and its connection with data science, to discuss the clinical relevance of UHF-MR, to explore future directions of UHF-MR, to foster explorations into ultrahigh field-MR and to initiate international collaboration and last but not least to provide plenty of time to engage into fruitful exchange with peers and colleagues.
The symposium is tailored to attract basic scientists, engineers, hardware professionals, data scientists, translational researchers, applied scientists and clinicians with all levels of experience and expertise ranging from undergraduate and graduate students interested in imaging to trainees, advanced users and applications experts.
Virtual Poster Session and Poster Power Presentations
The scientific program will be paralleled by a virtual poster session where all posters are made available electronically. We are looking forward to your poster contributions which will be all considered for the symposium’s poster price contest. We have also included numerous slots of 3 min poster power presentations in the program. This will give a large number of poster presenters the opportunity to be in the enlightening spotlight of the audience. We are eagerly looking forward to your poster contributions. (Abstract Deadline Passed: August 24th 2022)
Be Berlin
We warmly invite you to join us for the 13th Annual Scientific Symposium on Ultrahigh Field MR on September 9th 2022 in Berlin. Please save the date. A visit to Berlin is always worth it. Be Berlin.
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