2021 Southeast Magnetic Resonance Conference (SEMRC)

Dear NMR Colleagues,

We write to provide an update on the upcoming 49th Southeast Magnetic Resonance Conference (SEMRC) on Oct 22-24. Due to recent surges in the COVID-19 pandemic, the event will be held as a virtual event.

Please save the dates. Abstract submission and registration started on Aug 23 through the SEMRC website (semrc.lsu.edu). Please fill in the abstract submission and registration form and send to semrc@lsu.edu.

Please forward this message to any colleagues who may have interest and may not be aware of the event.

We look forward to meeting you virtually this Fall.

Best Regards,
Megan Macnaughtan, Anant Paravastu, and Tuo Wang
2021 SEMRC Organizers

Important dates:
Online registration begins: Aug. 23, 2021
Last date of submission to be considered as a talk: Sept 29, 2021
Online registration closes: Oct. 8, 2021
Last date to withdraw your registration: Oct. 8, 2021